Visually in the Everyday

An ongoing art project aimed at capturing the daily grappling of the creative process. Small actions, big efforts, endless rumination, the ineffable randomness that eventually amalgamates into finished work, or the very least, something to reflect on. Showcased through “structured looseness”, Visually in the Everyday captures the experience of thought in the midst of everyday creative practice.

I'm using this platform to share personal work, thoughts, ideas, inspiration, and design processes. Relying on the concept of 'structured looseness' the presentation of content will be 'structured' in format (on a website in a somewhat organized fashion) with a 'looseness' in articulation (doing whatever I want!!!!). Ultimately, this serves as a means to capture otherwise tough to articulate rumination related to personal design explorations & reflections on design in everyday life. There is no specific goal or big huge stride towards accomplishment, just pure play (hehe). The aim is to capture the freedom of a sketchbook but exist in a way that might communicate established ideas. (I hope that makes sense????? Maybe it's easier just to call this a design blog???????)

by irene stock